The Keepers: Declan Read online

Page 9

  Using his heightened hearing, he zoned in on his surroundings, listening, filtering, until he heard the heartbeat and ragged breathing.

  Fear trickled down his spine and he faced Kate, unable to call out and risk alerting their attackers.

  Oblivious, Kate splashed herself one more time and edged back to the riverbed, reaching for his towel.

  The rustling of forest debris and a movement in the trees punched a warning to his gut and with practised silence, Declan pushed himself off the rock.


  Shivering, Kate swiped the towel across her body and wondered if she’d been crazy for taking a midnight splash in the middle of winter. Declan had insisted on accompanying her, and he’d warned her it would be safer to wash in the morning.

  But several days in the same clothes had left her feeling so grimy and miserable that she’d been prepared to shoulder the cold.

  She searched for him, surprised to see he’d moved, and scanned the riverbank. It was dark and silent; eerie despite the peacefulness. A prickle of unease crept through her and she froze, the towel clutched against her breasts.

  A crunch of forest debris had her heartbeat quickening. Acting on instinct, she edged back against the tree behind her.

  In a flash of movement, strong arms engulfed her and a hand covered her mouth, muffling her scream.

  Eyes bulged in terror, and she tried to tug free, to scream, panicking when no sound escaped.

  “Ssh, it’s me,” Declan whispered in her ear, his presence a bolt of relief.

  He twisted himself around her, his face so close to hers that she could feel his rapid breathing. His pounding heart matched hers, their bodies alive with adrenaline.

  Shifting his hand, he touched his fingers to her lips, and scanned the forest.

  The rustling of bushes and the soft crunching of snow confirmed the intruder’s presence.

  And it wasn’t alone.

  Declan turned around, shielding her body with his.

  The movement stopped, the silence deafening, and Kate’s heartbeat hammered in her ears. She heard a low growl, and her jaw dropped.

  Two wolves appeared through the bushes, crouching low, lips curled to bare sharp canines. They stared at Kate and Declan, their soft growls piercing the prickly silence.

  In a flash of movement, Declan charged at the wolves with a roar that ripped through the night.

  Startled, one of the wolves yelped, and together they scattered into the forest.

  Kate sank back against the tree, panting with relief.

  “Are you okay?” Declan asked in a low voice, keeping close to her.

  She nodded, glancing over his shoulder. “Don’t they usually travel in packs?”

  “There’ll be more, but now that we know they’re near, we’ll listen out for them.”

  “And there was I thinking Harper was my biggest worry.”

  “He is. Don’t worry about the wolves. I’ll handle them.”

  She nodded, hating herself for the shivers that began to rip through her. The cold or aftermath of fear?

  Declan held out her jeans. Trembling, she stepped into them, not bothering with the zipper, and reached for her sweater.

  He touched the key hanging around her neck and for a moment, she feared he’d rip it off her.

  Instead, he released it and helped her into the sweater, the warmth wrapping around her. Gathering her hair from under the collar, he gently pulled it free, fanning the strands down her back.

  Instead of releasing her, his hands stayed on either side of her neck, toying with her hair.

  Kate looked at him, caught by the moment and the heat that reared up when he was near.

  Declan’s expression remained level but his eyes clouded with a dark intensity. His gaze met hers and lingered, before settling to her mouth.

  A shaky, shared history and an explosive chemistry throbbed between them. As his thumb brushed her lips, Kate felt everything shift.

  “Declan, no,” she whispered with a brief shake of the head.

  He dipped his head closer, flashing her a grin that flipped her stomach.

  Her hand came up between them, pushing against his chest. “This is asking for trouble.”

  “Honey, you’re all trouble.”

  God, he was so close. His heat seared into her, leaving her breathless and wanting.

  He nibbled her earlobe and worked his way along her jaw. His kisses were feather-light, the sensations incredible.

  He pulled back slightly, his lips an inch from hers. “I’ll back down if you really want me to, Kate, but we both know you don’t.”

  “Declan,” she whispered, his name swept away as his lips covered hers.

  The kiss was soft and slow, his lips deliciously teasing against hers, the taste sparking her longing, but he pulled back all too soon. Lowering his head, he looked at her for a long moment, electricity pulsating between them.

  His hands still on either side of her neck, and without waiting for an invitation, he kissed her again.

  This time, the kiss was more demanding, tinged with urgency. His tongue swept against hers, sensual, enticing, stirring something desperate within.

  Her arms came up and she tangled her fingers in his hair, keeping him in place, savouring the feel of his delicious lips against hers.

  Everything shifted inside, her body aching for more, and she gave herself over to the sensations trickling through her.

  He pushed himself closer, the hardness of his body grinding against hers. She groaned when he broke away to leave a trail of kisses along her jaw and into her neck. He captured her mouth with his, devouring her with a passion she remembered all too well. Her breath caught as he slid a hand under her sweater, his touch cool against her skin, and sighed when his thumb brushed her nipple.

  She felt the scrape of his Keeper ring against her flesh, the brush of stubble against her face. Breathing him in, she shivered when his hand cupped her breast.

  The kiss deepened, becoming so powerful that everything faded around her. He sent her senses reeling, her thoughts scattering in the darkness.

  His hand trailed lower, his grip firm against her skin, possessive, and she gasped when his fingers dipped into the opening of her jeans.

  Shamelessly, with the same weakness of resolve she’d had during their last night together, she didn’t stop him.

  Heat pooled in her belly, her body throbbed, and when his fingers toyed with her, she grabbed his shoulders with a groan.

  His fingers worked their clever magic, pulling her higher, and she opened her legs wider to draw him in.

  He reared back, his heated gaze piercing hers with the same intense desire. With a low growl, he kissed her again, the kiss as fierce as it was breathtaking.

  She felt herself peak, gave in to the sensations, banishing everything that held her back. For now, she was his, only his, and she came with a fierceness she’d never experienced before.

  She tore her mouth away from his and rested her head against the tree. With a soft cry, she clung to him as tidal waves of pleasure raced through her.

  Her entire body trembled in his arms, and it had nothing to do with the cold. He’d sparked the insatiable desire she’d had for him the moment they’d met. A chemistry she’d always known was there but had refused to acknowledge.

  Her breathing was shallow, gulps of air that she tried to steady, and she felt the shame wash over her as she came back to him.

  He gave her a deep, lingering kiss before pulling back, just an inch, to peer into her eyes. “The last time we got this close, you drugged me and ran. Was it because of this,” he asked, his mouth dangerously close to hers, “or because you needed my key?”

  She swallowed, overwhelmed by him. He filled up the space around her, invading her senses.


  “Both,” she whispered, lowering her eyes.

  “I thought so,” he murmured, his voice a low rumble. “So … you have my key, but you’re a world away from
your witchy stash. There’s no running now, Kate.”

  “Stop it, Declan.”

  He grinned, the sexual tension shifting between them, but he kept her close. “You know this is inevitable, don’t you?”

  “No.” She pushed at his chest, his muscular frame impossible to budge. Exhaling, she turned her face away from his. “This is complicated, and you … ”

  His eyebrow hitched, his grin widened, and she felt the effect straight between her thighs. “You’re afraid?”

  “Of you?”

  “Of us.”


  His eyes narrowed and his gaze shifted to her lips, swollen from the onslaught of his kisses. He drew close again, edging his mouth to hers as though he was about to kiss her, and smiled when he heard her intake of breath.

  “You should be,” he whispered against her lips.

  “You’re despicable.”

  “Didn’t stop you from sleeping with me. What does that say about you?”

  And just like that, he withdrew, chuckling softly to himself.

  Her cheeks burned, the truth of what he’d said screaming to be recognised. Kate hoisted the towel off the ground, scrunched it in a ball, and tossed it at him.


  They had to get moving.

  The sun’s rays peeked through the wall of trees that surrounded their makeshift campsite, steadily chasing away the darkness. As if on cue, the birds had woken up, singing in the new day.

  Yesterday, the incessant chirping had irritated Declan, their cheerful trilling a mocking contrast to his mood. He’d been crazy with frustration and worry after losing Kate’s trail, defeat sending his temper soaring. Today his mood was lighter and despite the challenges they faced, he couldn’t deny the unfamiliar feeling of euphoria that came with her return.

  After doing a thorough scan of the area to ensure their attackers weren’t nearby, Declan walked back to the campsite.

  He’d woken an hour ago to find Kate curled up beside him, her body warm and soft against his, her breathing even in sleep. Her eyes were hidden behind long eyelashes that rested on flawless skin, hands palmed together under her cheek. She looked more peaceful than he’d ever seen her and he hated knowing that it would change once she awoke. With a soft moan, she’d shifted in her sleep and her tangled hair had fallen across most of her face, shielding her from his scrutiny. His body had hardened in response, despite his determination not to, and he’d been unable to resist the urge to brush away the strands.

  He found her seated on a rock beside the campfire, running her fingers through her tangled hair. A lone bird hopped on the ground, unperturbed by her presence. She was frowning and glanced up as he approached.

  “Good morning, sunshine,” he said with an exaggerated cheerfulness he didn’t quite feel. The bird took flight, circling them twice before settling in a nearby tree.

  “I have more forest in my hair than under my feet,” she grumbled and continued to fight with her hair.

  “Yeah, you look like crap.”

  “Thanks. I guess I’m a far cry from the women you usually wake up to in the morning.”

  “Yes, you are.” And it had nothing to do with her looks.

  “Ouch.” She twisted her hair into a knot, giving her head a brief shake to make sure she’d secured the mass of brown waves.

  “Are you done with your beauty routine?”

  She sighed. “I suppose this is as good as it’s going to get. Survival first, hairbrush second.”

  He grinned at her sarcasm and reached for the water bottle. He took a sip and held it out to her but she shook her head. “We should get going.”

  Reaching for the sleeping bag, he stole a glance at her. She was agitated, her expression tight, and she nibbled her bottom lip.

  Lips he’d kissed the night before.

  Images of devouring her against the tree flooded his mind and he felt the effect, straight to his groin. He’d wanted to ravish her, satisfy the need she’d sparked when they’d first met, and prove to himself that the attraction was just a distraction.

  So he’d kissed her.

  But things had spiralled out of control the moment she’d kissed him back. It had taken every ounce of strength to backtrack – and he’d been an ass to her in the process.


  She’d crept under his skin, the realisation causing a flash of irritation. With her big brown eyes and breathtaking smile, she tugged at a part of him he refused to share.

  And despite not wanting to involve himself in her drama, he’d been unable to stay away. She was in trouble and it triggered all his protective instincts.

  She glanced at him, a delightful scowl pinching her eyebrows.

  She was adorable when she frowned.

  He cocked a brow. “What’s with the brooding this morning?”

  She shot him a glare.

  “You might want to lose the scowl, honey. Sulking is not going to get you out of here any faster.”

  “I’ve spent the night sleeping on the ground and I’m not a morning person, so just give me a moment.”

  He glanced at the sun looming over the umbrella of trees. “Right now, there’s no time for moments. If this icy wind is anything to go by, more snow is on its way. Are you ready?”


  “Well get your broomstick and let’s go.”

  “Why are you so mean to me?”

  “Have you met you, Kate? It’s not like you’ve been the epitome of love and kindness.”

  “And you have?”

  He tilted his head, pretending to think about it, and then shrugged. “Nah, I guess I haven’t been a role model for the Lollipop Guild either.”

  She rose, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “Something tells me you’re not the best role model, period.”

  “Not unless you want one who drinks too much and thrives on bad behaviour.”

  She laughed, the sound lightening her mood.

  He shoved the packed rucksack on his back and threw a handful of sand onto the fire. The last of the orange embers exploded, the smell of smoke permeating the air. “Let’s go. We have a lot of tricky terrain to cover.”

  “How I long for simpler days,” she muttered, falling in step beside him.

  “There’s nothing simple about our world.”

  “Which is why I don’t want any part of it.”

  “You’re part of it whether you like it or not. Time to accept that.”

  “It’s too early in the morning for you to be an ass, Declan.”

  He grinned. “My ass is the one that’s going to get yours off of this mountain.”

  “If you get us out of here, you’ll be my hero, warrior boy.”

  “Don’t call me that.”

  “Warrior boy or hero?”

  “Both.” He glanced at her jacket. “Are you warm enough?”

  “It’ll do.”

  The jacket was too big for her and a male cut. Stolen? The thought of Kate wearing one of their jackets irritated him. Reaching into his bag, he pulled out a fleece beanie.

  She cracked an appreciative smile and reached for it.

  “You’ll warm up when we start moving.” He did a final scan of their campsite and started walking, not bothering to check if she was behind him.

  “Where were you this morning? I thought you’d bailed on me.”

  “Yeah, because I came all this way just to leave you stranded. Perimeter scan. If we don’t stop too often, we should hit civilization by this evening.”

  Assuming that the map stashed in his pocket wasn’t outdated. According to an advert at the bottom, a tourist train to Vancouver was scheduled to pass by. It was a popular route for tourists wanting the best winter views of the Canadian landscape. For him and Kate, it was their ticket home.

  He’d left his Harley at the foot of the mountain in an abandoned parking lot. Reaching it would take at least another day so the train was the better option.

  Provided it came.
r />   It’d be a bitch having to make the trip back to collect his bike, but he’d worry about that later.

  “You’re up for moving quickly?” he asked.

  “Yes.” Her face broke into a beautiful smile, and he arched an eyebrow in response. “Civilization,” she said. “Do you have any idea what I’d do for a hot shower right now?”

  “You and me both, honey.” And she could use some food. Despite her curves, she was skinny, a combination of vulnerable and tough he found intriguing.

  “And a bed,” she added with a dreamy sigh. “A shower and a bed.”

  Vivid images came to mind and he felt the effect arrow to his thighs. “I guess food and water don’t sit high on your priority list, do they?”

  “Nothing like a little luxury to make a girl smile.”

  He could think of several things to make her smile but he turned away, not daring to voice any. He forced his attention back to the path as they walked along in silence, the crunch of forest debris beneath their feet echoing around them. The sun had risen rapidly, its weak winter rays filtering through the gaps in the tall trees, offering little warmth against the wind.

  Unable to resist, he glanced at Kate, all too aware of her. His senses were in overdrive, zeroed in on her in a way that rattled his usual indifference. The gentle sway of her jeans against her hips as she moved, her even breathing, and the faint thudding of her heartbeat that grew faster the further they walked. Why he couldn’t block her out, he wasn’t sure, but he’d have to in order to focus on their surroundings and get them out of here alive.

  Right now, she was all he could think about.


  The more they began to descend the mountain, the more Kate’s spirits brightened; but hunger and exhaustion threatened to slow her down.

  Kate stole a quiet glance at the Keeper walking ahead of her. A man driven by destiny and honour. She liked that about him, even though his life, his world, still frightened her. Wariness had replaced her fear and although she’d never admit it, having him navigate these forests beside her brought a huge sense of relief.