The Keepers: Declan Read online

Page 5

  For a brief moment, they stared at each other as Kate’s mind scrambled for an explanation.

  Damn Hazel’s stupid tea!

  “You drugged my tea!” Jenna snapped.

  “Clearly our dosages need work,” Kate shot back, glancing at the door behind her.

  “Harper will hunt you down, Kate. There’s nowhere to hide.”

  The truth sent her panic soaring. Raising the fire extinguisher, Kate squeezed the nozzle as Jenna began to run toward her. She threw the weapon into the white cloud and raced for the back door. Kate slammed it just as Jenna reached her, her fingers trembling around the magical key as she turned the lock. Ignoring Jenna’s furious pounding and shouts, Kate backtracked into the alley, her body trembling at the cold realisation that she’d almost walked into a trap.

  Had it not been for Max’s tattoo, she would have gone with him.

  Declan. Had he really been at the club?

  Adrenaline, fear, and confusion stirred and she sagged against the wall.

  Refusing to embrace her vulnerability, Kate pushed herself up. With shaking hands, she took to the streets, the truth gnawing at her:

  She couldn’t trust anyone.


  Two days later


  Declan parked the rental car beneath a cluster of trees and turned off the engine, his eyes fixed on the white house by the lake. It was neat, built on stilts, with a porch that wrapped all the way around. Something Barbie and Ken would like. All that was missing was a Golden Retriever and a few kids. It was a quiet road, interspersed with quaint houses miles apart on the outskirts of the small rural village.

  A few hours from Rapid Falls. Not surprising that Kate was renting in a town so tiny that it barely marked the map. What was surprising was that she’d returned to Canada.

  The third dagger?

  The peaceful village and the smell of the water wafting through his open window did little to calm the churning frustration in his gut.

  He shouldn’t worry, shouldn’t care. But dammit, he did. Losing her on Bourbon had made him want to punch something.

  But why would she seek out Harper, the Brogans' right-hand man? The last time he’d seen Harper was the night they’d killed Warrick. Harper had bolted and, somehow, Kate had tracked him to New Orleans, figured out that he owned the club, and found a way in to his private party.

  Clever. Or stupid? And why was she tracking him?

  Declan pulled out his phone and had his brother on speed dial.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Ethan asked in an agitated tone that matched Declan’s mood.

  “Someone’s testy today.”

  “You’d be too if you had Sienna breathing down your neck every five minutes wanting to know if we’ve heard from you.”

  Declan smiled, picturing his witch. “Tell Sienna I’m fine.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Back in Canada.”


  “The woman gets around.”

  And thanks to her witch friend back in New Orleans, he’d been able to track her. It had taken some convincing but Hazel had finally relented and offered him an address.

  “Everything okay?” Ethan asked.

  “Everything’s peachy.” Liar, liar.

  “What happened at the club?”

  Images of Harper’s party erupting into chaos sprang to mind. In a world where their kind lived in secrecy, their scant regard for the rules had shocked him. It promised a heap of crap he’d thought they’d dealt with: the Brogans and their quest for exposure and control.

  “I think it’s safe to say that there's a new leader of the pack, with an even bigger following,” Declan muttered.



  “We should’ve taken him out when he went for Sienna the first time.”

  Declan scowled. “You sound like Archer. How were we supposed to know that the sidekick would take over? And this lot are hungrier. They've got some crazy animal stunts I’ve never seen before.”

  “That bad?”

  “Think love child of Spiderman, Mason Brogan, and Catwoman.”

  Ethan laughed, although the sound lacked humour. “You’re kidding?”

  “I wish I was, brother.”

  “Where’s the woman?”

  “About three hours from Rapid Falls.”

  “She lives here?”

  “Passing through. Apparently she’s renting a house for a few days.”

  “Planning another attempt at the third dagger, no doubt?”


  “So use your key, check her out.”

  Right. “I plan to.”

  “Declan,” Ethan said, his voice taking on an edge. “You have to bring her back to Rapid Falls.”

  “I know.”

  “If Harper’s after her, then he has a use for her.”

  “She’s a Null.”

  There was a brief pause. Ethan exhaled into the phone. “Shit. You sure?”

  “She’s inexperienced but definitely a Null.”

  “All the more reason we can’t let Harper get to her.”

  Declan felt a flare of frustration. “I know, brother. I get it, but she’s jittery and doesn’t trust me.”

  “You can’t blame her. With her powers, everyone in our world will want her.” Ethan cursed softly. “Use your Bennett charm, whatever it takes, but get her here.”

  “If she uses her creepy powers to mess with my magical mojo, then I’m holding you responsible.”

  “To hell with your mojo. If Harper gets to her, we’re all screwed.”

  A clattering of dustbin lids caught Declan’s attention. Good. She was there and was awake – if she’d even slept. The sun was up, rays of light licking at the house with the promise of a new day.

  “I gotta go,” Declan said, sitting up straighter.

  “Call us when you have her.”

  “I will. Just keep Sienna close. We don’t know what Harper’s up to.”

  There was silence, followed by a brief grunt. “Don’t worry about Sienna. Watch your back, brother.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Declan disconnected the call and pocketed his phone. He rolled his shoulders, his muscles aching from the lack of sleep, and climbed out the car.

  As he walked down the driveway, he caught sight of Kate straightening the bins. She looked different when she wasn’t in burglar mode. Long brown hair hung in big curls over her shoulders, and she was slender with curves in all the right places. The sweater she wore had the words ‘New Orleans Wonder’ sprawled across perky breasts.

  Beautiful. Sexy. Damn annoying.

  He heard her sharp breathing even from this distance. If he concentrated, he could even hear her heartbeat. A faint, rapid pulse that hinted at her uneasiness.

  She glanced around before straightening the bin.

  Declan stepped out of the bushes and stood in the middle of the driveway.

  A blackbird took flight and she spun around with a gasp, a bag of rubbish in one hand. Their eyes locked and the need for words fell away.

  She moved first.

  Dropping the bag, she whirled around and bolted up the stairs to the front door. He anticipated her movements and it took little effort for him to reach the door before she did.

  He cocked a brow as she froze. “You really think you’re going to run from me?”

  Eyes wide, she shoved him away and raced around the house along the porch.

  He gave chase and snatched her wrist as she slipped into the half-open sliding door. With a shriek, she spun around and kicked out, packing a tight blow for someone her size. He released her and she dashed inside, slamming the door.

  They stared at each other through the glass, both breathless from the struggle.

  “Open the door, Kate.”

  “Go away!”

  “Yeah, right. As if that’ll happen after what you’ve done to me. Open the door before I break the lock.”

Her eyes narrowed as she scanned the length of him, zeroing in on his Keeper ring. “Declan?”

  His eyebrows shot up and he reached out, ripping the door open with ease. Kate gasped, spun around, and ran. Declan followed, but halted as he found himself staring down the barrel of a handgun.

  “You need to leave,” she panted, and he heard the shaking anger in her voice. Despite the fact that her shoulders heaved from her choppy gasps of air, neither her arms nor the gun wavered.

  “Seriously? You’re going to shoot me?”

  “You’re the one who started this game of cat and mouse.” She gave him a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “Not so nice when you’re the mouse, is it?”

  “I wouldn’t know. I’m not going to hurt you, Kate.”

  “Right. You tracked me down and I doubt you had tea and a catch up in mind.” She nudged the gun in his direction. “You should go.”

  “Like hell. You want to shoot me? Then do it. I doubt you even know how to use that thing.” He lowered his hands and took a step closer to her. “Go on, shoot me.”

  She cocked the gun.

  Shit. “Put the gun down, Kate.”

  Keeping his eyes pinned on her, he edged closer, holding his breath. “You might be a thief but I doubt you’re a murderer.” He sensed the slightest crack appear in her armour and took another step forward. “Lower the gun. I won’t hurt you.”

  “After what I’ve done to you I find that hard to believe.”

  “Payback’s a bitch but it’s not what I’m after. I simply want answers.”

  He used her moment of hesitation to close the distance between them in a lightning quick move. She screamed as he grabbed the gun from her but he tossed it to the couch where it landed with a thud.

  She tried to punch him but he caught her wrists. She lurched forward, unbalancing them both and they stumbled across the couch and onto the floor.

  “Kate!” he snapped, keeping a firm grip on her wrists. He adjusted his weight, pinning her beneath him. “Kate, stop it!”

  Their eyes met and he heard the air leave her lungs in surrender. They stared at each other in prickly silence, electricity pulsing between them. Her heart hammered in her chest against his, reminding him of the last time she’d been breathless in his arms.

  “Calm down,” he said, pushing away the memories. “I won’t hurt you. I just want to talk.”

  “By attacking me on the front porch?”

  “I’m sorry. You ran and I acted without thinking.” His lips twitched in an attempt to bring them onto even ground. “Animal instinct and all that.”

  “You broke down my door.”

  “Apparently locks aren’t a hindrance to either of us.”

  “What do you want, Declan?”

  He could think of a lot he wanted from her. A shitload of answers for starters. He released her wrists and lifted his weight, but still kept her pinned beneath him. No chance he was letting this wildcat go until he was convinced she was calm.

  “Now that Harper knows we’re both in town, he’s going to come looking for us. No more fighting, okay?” He waited for her to acknowledge him and a moment later, she gave a brief nod. Releasing her, he pushed himself up, bringing her with him.

  Holding her hands, he drew her closer, tucking their entwined fingers between them. The impact of their closeness stirred the heat between them. She drew a sharp breath, lifting her head to meet his gaze, and he almost grinned when he felt the quiver through her body. He inhaled her scent, allowing it to wash over him. Her lips were full and ripe with promises of more. Lips he’d devoured many times over.

  “Declan … ” she whispered, but didn’t pull away.

  She was so close and for an insane moment, he had the urge to kiss her.

  Their differences be damned.

  “You lied to me, misled me, attacked me,” he murmured, dipping his head toward hers, “but what we had three months ago wasn’t fake, was it?”

  Her gaze faltered to his lips, heat pulsing between them. But she didn’t deny it.

  “I thought so.” Grinning, he released her, not missing the way her armour slid back into place the moment he took a step back. He reached for the gun, masking his surprise when he found it wasn’t even loaded, and returned the useless weapon to her. “You don’t need this with me.”

  Dropping her shoulders, she nodded.

  And so a truce was made. A shaky one, but it was good enough for now.

  “How did you find me?” She took the gun from him. Without breaking eye contact, she moved back, still keeping her distance, and placed it on the kitchen counter.

  “You stole from me, left me buck-naked, and returned to trash my house. You really think I’d let that go?” He glanced at the bag at the front door. “Going somewhere?”

  “I never unpack.”

  These three simple words arrested Declan for a moment.

  “That’s what you get for messing with Crème de la Creepy.”

  “I wasn’t messing with anyone.” Her expression remained blank. “Why are you here, Declan?”

  “The key and the daggers. Shall we start with that?”

  “Would you have given me either if I’d asked?”

  “Depends why you wanted them.”

  “Yeah, right.” She flashed him an irritated glance and bent to retrieve an overturned lamp. He didn’t miss the slight wince when she straightened or the attempt to cover it by turning away.

  He edged forward. “Are you hurt?”

  She shook her head. “I’m fine.”

  He went to her, felt her stiffen before he even touched her. “Kate, are you hurt?”

  She turned slowly around to face him, touching the square band-aid beside her throat. Damn, how had he missed that?

  “It’s nothing.”

  “It doesn’t look like nothing.” He didn’t bother keeping the agitation from his voice. Reaching up, he peeled her fingers back and frowned when he saw the bruises around her neck. Shit.

  She was hurt. A flash of anger reared up in his gut. Attacking her earlier was hardly his proudest moment, but damn it, someone had cut her. The idea summoned a range of emotions he was quick to dismiss. Why it bothered him remained unclear. In a world where malice lurked behind every corner, it wasn’t surprising she sported war wounds.

  Kate swiped his hand away and covered the white patch with hers. “I told you, I’m fine.”

  “When did this happen?”

  “Two nights ago.”

  “After I lost you on Bourbon?”

  Her face brightened. “You were there?”

  He cocked a brow.

  “Max found me when we split up. He’s a Mimic and imitated you, led me to a back entrance of a hotel. He almost fooled me but I spotted his tattoo and got away. I wasn’t sure you’d been there at all.”

  “I was there,” he murmured, not taking his eyes off her. “Max is a Mimic?” The last Mimic he’d seen had been Mason Brogan. The night Sarah had died.

  He held up the hand that bore his Keeper ring. “Mimics are dangerous and it’s not the last time they’ll fool you. But they can’t imitate the mark of a Keeper.” He flashed his ring at her, and then reached up to touch the wound on her neck. “Why hasn’t this healed completely yet? Your Keeper powers should’ve healed that by now.”

  Irritation tightened her brow, hardening her expression. “I’m not as strong as you.”

  “Very few Keepers are, honey.” He grinned. “But it’s not often a woman has the strength of Hercules and magical joo joo combined. What’s with that anyway? Are you a hybrid?”

  “Barely.” She looked at him, realising he was waiting for an explanation. “My father was my mother’s Keeper. When he died, she used a spell to bind the Keeper side of me.”

  “Didn’t look bound the night you attacked me in my living room.”

  “The spell broke when she died. My witch side – the Null in me – is more powerful.”

  That explained why he hadn’t sensed that she was a
Keeper when they’d first met.

  And two dead parents. They had something in common. He’d lost his parents in a fire caused by Warrick Brogan. He wondered about hers but bit back from asking.

  “Does Harper know this? Is that what he wants with you?”

  “No one knows.”

  He reached for her wrist. “Harper knows you’re a Null and he’s figured he has a use for you. Do you have any idea what that means?”

  She yanked her hand away. “Of course I do. I’ve spent my entire life hiding from men like him.”

  “Then what made you waltz into his club?”

  “I had my reasons.” She ducked her head, her long, lowered lashes signalling a closed book. It shouldn’t have surprised him. After all, she still considered him the enemy.

  And maybe he was.

  Declan studied her, aware of the slight crack in her voice. He shouldn’t feel sorry for her, shouldn’t have the urge to help her, but she looked so miserable, so lost, an unmistakable sadness in her brown eyes.

  Oh, hell.

  She blew out air and looked at him. “Okay, so you tracked me down. I’m assuming you’re here about my magic?”


  “My mother was right. No matter which way I turn, there’ll always be someone waiting for me.”

  “You’re so sure I’m here to harm you?”

  She pointed at the door he’d destroyed. “You broke down my door. I have a mean landlord.”

  He almost smiled at her words. “I’d say after the crap you’ve pulled on me, we’re even.”

  “So what now, Declan?”

  He had no idea.

  His aim had been to find her, to talk to her. Now that he had and he knew that she was marked by Harper, he had no idea what to do with her. And being at a loss with a woman was not something he was familiar with. Ever.

  But if Harper wanted her, then Declan wanted her more.

  “You need help –” he began.

  “I don’t want your help.”

  “– and I need answers.”

  “And you thought you’d simply waltz up my driveway and I’d spill?”

  “You came into my home uninvited. I figured I could do the same.” He pinned her with a level gaze. “You’ve been nothing but a pain in the ass since you left me in my hotel bed, Kate Carrigan, but clearly, you’re new at this. We stirred up a hornet’s nest at the club so now we’re both marked.” She might be stronger than the average woman but there was something raw and unsure about her. “I need an explanation, Kate. And you can start with the daggers.”